Dixie Car Club

Benton, Arkansas car club

June 2024 – Newsletter

Summer is here!
Summer is here and in full swing! As the temperatures rise, the busier summertime gets. We are halfway through 2024 and we are at the peak of car show season. Our club members have been all over the state participating in dozens of shows or out supporting the car community. We are so thrilled to see everyone out actively supporting the club. Our club is like one big family, and it continues to grow so fast. Here is to the second half of 2024!

Meeting minutes:
The Dixie Car club met Thursday, June 6th at Wood Grill in Benton, AR at 7 pm with 38 members present. President Jennifer Lytchfield led the club with the pledge of allegiance. Treasurer Lisa Ramsey presented the treasurer’s report. Secretary Tosha Thibeau presented May’s meeting minutes.

Committees presented their meeting minutes from their May Meetings.

Special Events Committee: Chairman Thomas Gage – Committee members met on May 29th at Pizza Inn. A Petit Jean club cruise was planned for Saturday, June 15th meeting at McDonalds on Military Road in Benton at 8 am. 5-7 members said they would be interested in participating. Old Fashioned Days for Benton invited the club to bring display vehicles and participate in October. Several members are planning to attend. Silent Auction items are being collected and a plan to organize a list of places for donations and members that are stopping in will be created. Mama Mia Pizzaria invited the club to participate in their Summer Social on June 15th from 6 pm – 8 pm. A club family pool party is being planned at Club member Bill Gray’s house in July. Date is to be announced. Regular monthly events will continue – AutoZone Cars & Coffee, Big Lots Meet & Greet, Third Thursday, and David’s Burgers of Mabelvale Cruise In.

Publications Committee: Chairman Amy Reed – Members met on June 4th at Starbucks. An image was submitted by member Bill Gray to be approved as a possible club decal. The image was approved. A request for laminated flyers was submitted by Roger Weng. Chairman Amy Reed will be laminating any flyers to be hung at outdoor locations to avoid weather damage and fading. Member Tosha Thibeau was given approval to submit the club logo for a possible club merchandise online store.

Car Chow Committee: Chairman TJ Thibeau – Members met on May 21st at the Saline County Fairgrounds. Member Paige Perlinger will be submitting the trophy order to O’Reily’s. Reminder that the sponsorship deadline on July 1st. Door prize and silent auction item deadline is July 31st. 6-8 walkie talkies will be purchased for point of contact locations throughout the car show. There will be 10 vendor spots open being 10×10 in size. There will be no food or politics allowed. Facebook posts advertising these spots will begin now. Handicap parking will be added to spectator parking. Motorcycles and Off-Road vehicles will be parked in their own sections. Pricing for registration goody bags will begin as well as reaching out to possible DJs or Bluetooth speakers. Tie breakers for judging will require new judging and possible bonus points for displays. There will be a price increase for entering a 2nd vehicle (from $10 to now $15). We will start the process of reaching out to businesses for items in the registration gift bags. Next meeting, sign-ups will be made for volunteers in several sections – registration, judging, runners, etc. A map will be created for the layout of the car show. The next meeting will on June 18th at the Saline Co. Fair Grounds.

Membership Committee: Chairman Bill Gray – Members met on May 23rd at Rib Crib. Positive feedback has been received in regard to the use of the Remind Me app, gift bags, and club texts. The following decisions were made – An additional $30 will be allotted to be used for additional committee supplies. A committee member will reach out to any club members who have missed 2 or more consecutive meetings. Chairman Bill Gray will be responsible for keeping up with that list and assigning members with their turn as contact person. Free t-shirts will not be given to new members due to the cost of the shirt being the same amount as membership fees. All members will have the opportunity to purchase club shirts. Further discussions will be held on possible long time member acknowledgement pins, adding lettering to the canopy that has been donated to the club, and balloons.

A few changes were made to the club bylaws. A vote was taken on all. Member Roger Weng spoke to the club explaining his suggestion for the change of section 3.02 and 3.03.

Addendum 3.01: Officer Qualification – Members must be an active member and in good standing of Dixie Car Club for 1 year to hold an officer position. ALL WERE IN FAVOR – MOTION PASSED

Addendum 6.06: A meeting of the leadership team, which includes the presiding officers, and current committee chairmen should be held every quarter. This allows the team to be able to share concerns, review records and gain a general understanding of the tasks each group is working on and promotes unity ALL WERE IN FAVOR – MOTION PASSED

Revision 3.02: Officer Election – Nominations shall be taken from the floor at the October meeting each year. Only those who have consented to serve and qualify shall be eligible for nomination. Nominees should be elected by secret ballot at the November meeting. Officers will assume their official duties on the first day of the new year following their election. At no time should two or more people residing in the same household/family hold an office concurrently (last sentence voted 11/23). ALL WERE IN FAVOR – MOTION PASSED

Revision 3.03: Officer Term Limit – Officers will serve a minimum of a 1-year term and abide by all bylaws. An election by secret ballot must be held each year. Anonymous vote ballot count was 30 votes for, 2 votes against – MOTION PASSED

Membership Chairman Bill Gray presented a possible business card for the club to be handed out during member personal time when club flyers aren’t available. President Jennifer Lytchfield proposed the club purchase 1,000 cards for the year to be dispersed among members who would want to have them. Special Events Chairman Thomas Gage made a motion to approve the purchase of 1,000 cards. A second motion was made by member Henry Jezierski. ALL IN FAVOR – MOTION PASSED.

Member Roger Weng asked about the possibility of having an official membership card made when becoming a new member or renewing memberships. These cards would be used when presenting club identification for discounts at many of the local businesses working with THE Dixie Car Club. Some ideas were given. This will be readdressed at a future meeting.

President Jennifer Lytchfield proposed a meal train to help members Aaron & Kassie Penn who recently had a baby boy. A sign-up sheet was made available. Publications Chairman Amy Reed suggested also that the club donate funds to members who have family members in need.

Secretary Tosha Thibeau answered member questions concerning the silent auction for the car show. She will, indeed, be helping get these baskets together. She and others will be accepting any donations from businesses, crafters, and more. Themes for particular baskets will soon be decided. The deadline for these items will be July 31st. (Added note: There will NOT be an online silent auction in June.)

Treasurer Lisa Ramsey has a list of kitchen shifts for the car show. She will also be creating a donation list of supplies needed. She will have these signups available soon.

Member Porfirio Gutierrez stood up to acknowledge several of the winners from the Poyen Car Show. There were 7 different winners from our club!

Motion was made by Special Events Chairman Thomas Gage to adjourn. Member Tina Collins made a second. The meeting was adjourned at 8:06. A club cruise through town followed.

Vehicle of the month

Our June member vehicle of the month belongs to member Kelly Hori. He owns this beautiful 1965 Volkswagen Beetle. Congrats, Kelly!

Upcoming events
Monthly Meeting: EVERY 1ST THURSDAY OF THE MONTH – Wood Grill in Benton 6 pm to dine & 7 pm meeting begins.

Benton Cars & Coffee: EVERY 1ST SATURDAY OF THE MONTH – Blue Heaven Restaurant in Benton 9 am – 11 am

Bryant Cars & Coffee: EVERY 1ST SUNDAY OF THE MONTH – AutoZone in Bryant 12 pm – 2 pm

Meet & Greet: EVERY 2ND TUESDAY OF THE MONTH – Big Lots in Benton 5 pm – 8 pm

Cruise In: EVERY 3RD SATURDAY OF THE MONTH – David’s Burgers of Mabelvale 4 pm – 8 pm

Third Thursday: EVERY 3RD THURSDAY OF THE MONTH – Downtown Benton 5 pm – 8 pm

Dixie Car Club Charity Car Show: Saturday, September 28th – Saline County Fair Grounds Registration 8:30 am – 11:30 am

Club classifieds:
FOR SALE: 58 Ford yellow & white sedan – Needs key, air cleaner, valve cover gaskets, belts on fan and timing set. #3 piston is at top d center. $1900. For more information, contact Gunnar Kays. Email: birdboat4@yahoo.com

FOR SALE: 58 332 cu in v8, 280 hp – assembled its accessories last year. Master cylinder needs fluid and bleed. Cadillac radiator and two trans coolers. For more information, contact Gunnar Kays. Email: birdboat4@yahoo.com

FOR SALE: 3rd gen 1988 Camaro interior parts – seats, dashes, consoles, plastics. Contact Ken Ogden: 501-860-1465

If you have anything you would like to sale or something you are searching for, please contact the Dixie Car Club to be added to next month’s classified section. dixiecarclub@gmail.com

Member birthdays:

We have several member birthdays this month!

Longtime member Wanda Price
Long time member Velta Shipps
President Jennifer Lytchfield
Member Kassie Penn
Member Aaron Penn
Member Bob McLarty
Member Roger Weng

1 Comment

  1. Jean

    Very interesting write up. I enjoyed show yesterday. I met some interesting people there. Interesting stories. I will attend more auto shows in further. Thanks so much.


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