Dixie Car Club

Benton, Arkansas car club

February 2018 – Newsletter


FEBRUARY 1, 2018




The Dixie Car Club met on Thursday, February 1 at Western Sizzlin’, Benton.  President Shane Shelton welcomed 29 members and 3 guests.  Two of the guests joined that night.  They are Terry Sayers who has a 1992 Ford Truck and T.J. Thibeau who has a military Humvee.

Shane Shelton is continuing to work to secure trophies for the Car Show.  He is hoping to get O’Reillys to sponsor.  He will also be looking at other sources.   Shane also reported that the Cruise-In at the Food Truck Court in Benton is on hold until he can get more info.

Cheryl Overton announced that paperwork has been submitted to Everett/GMC for consideration for sponsorship for our car show.  We are waiting a reply.

Motion was made by Bill Newsam to reinstall all previous officers.  Motion was seconded and a unanimous vote passed.  The 2018 officers are the same as 2017.

Bill Newsam reported on the January outing to Whippett.  It was attended by approximately 25 Dixie members and 15 Mid South Club members from Sheridan.  There were at least 9 antique cars driven that day.

For this month there was no February outing due to time restraints and cold weather.   However, most of the outings for the year have been filled.  The following list are the hosts for each month’s outing:

March – Sheltons

April – Shipps

May – Woods

June – Birch

July – Thibeau

August – Sayer

September – Perlinger

October –  NEED A HOST

November – Ramsey

December – no outing due to the Christmas Party

The logo committee presented 5 logo designs for the club.  The club voted by secret ballot to completely change the logo.  The club also voted to have the new logo put on both front and back of a grey t-shirt.  The cost of the t-shirts will be $14.98 which includes tax.  If you are interested in ordering a shirt, please contact Bill Newsam at (501) 860-1359.  The order will be placed within the next 2 weeks.  If you placed an order at the February meeting and did not pay, please bring your money to the meeting in March.  If a member wants to have their name put on their T-shirt, it will be 50 cents extra.

T.J. Thibeau, the owner of a military Humvee, alerted the club to potential issues licensing military vehicles.  He is working with legislators to work out the kinks in the process.   This is also important because it could influence legislation involving antique plates in the future.

Recently long time member William “Sonny” Swazey passed away after a long bout with cancer. Please keep his family on your prayer list.

Food Bank:  $27

Meeting was adjourned.

Shane Shelton, President


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