Dixie Car Club

Benton, Arkansas car club

January 2025 – Newsletter

Happy New Year, Dixie Car Club!
It’s a brand-new year and with that comes a new year full of adventures for our club. It’s an exciting time to be a member as we have a lot to look forward to. January brings in colder weather and snow on the ground. Stay warm and enjoy this winter wonderland while it’s here. Spring will be here in no time. Then, it will be time to take the covers off those cars, roll them out of those garages, and let the sunshine light our way into car show season. We have lots of fun times planned. Our car show is back to October. We will be celebrating a major milestone with this year. It will be our 45th annual car show. So, buckle up and get ready for a fun ride. We hope you join us on what will be a wonderful 2025!
Meeting Minutes

Wood Grill in Benton
Meeting called to order by: Roger Weng, President  
Time: 7:00 pm
# Attending the meeting: 40
Committee sign up reminders: Car show, Special events, & Membership
New officers introduced
President – Roger Weng
Vice President – Bob Perlinger
Treasurer – Tosha Thibeau
Secretary – Amy Reed
Club T-shirts
Online option will still be open. President Roger Weng has new shirts available for purchase from a local vendor for club members at cost with option to sell for profit. Prices are $18 (S-XL) & $22 (2XL & 3XL) Hooded jackets are also available, priced $28-$36. A motion was made by Bob Perlinger and seconded by Bob McLarty, passed by majority vote to keep a supply of shirts on hand with a continuous budget of $500.00.
Club Budget
Approximate budgets for club income/expenses
Incomes Expenses
Membership dues-$1500.00 Storage-$720.00/yr
Club Sponsors- ?? Post office box-$170.00/yr
Club Sponsorship is a new concept of having businesses support our club with yearly donations in exchange for advertisement at club events. This would be a source of income for the club. The club has been notified that the post office box will increase in October 2025. The club is looking into finding a cheaper storage facility.
Christmas Party
A motion was made by Wanda Price to contract the Gene Moss Building for the 2025 Club Christmas Party, seconded by Jim Shipps, motion passed by majority vote.
Fairgrounds Contract for Car Show
A motion was made by Jim Shipps to contract the Saline Co. Fairgrounds for the club’s annual charity car show in October, seconded by Bob McLarty.
Club Bylaws
Club bylaw updates made by the officers were read aloud, the officers asked to approve changes by majority vote. A motion was made by Wanda Price to have bylaw changes sent to members in an email so they can be compared to current bylaws, seconded by Lloyd Degerald, passed by majority vote. Changes will be emailed out to members before the next monthly meeting and voted on in the February meeting.
Remind App
It was presented to use the Remind app for club information such as events, cruises, shows, etc. A motion was made by Lloyd Degerald and seconded by Bob McLarty to use the Remind app to share club information, motion was passed by majority vote.
Special Events
It was presented that the Special events committee only promotes local events and club events. The club Facebook can share all other events and flyers.
Club Help
It was presented that the club members are available to help members in need with car repairs or needs. Let these needs be known at club meetings so members can offer assistance.
Extra Trophies
Extra trophies from the 2024 car show were presented to be used at local club events to be awarded to cars/trucks by the event sponsors. (examples Auto Zone Cars & Coffee, David’s Burgers) Replacing the front placard to a general phrase, (example Sponsor’s Choice)
Whippet – Bill Newsome Memorial Cruise
Mr. Shipps organized the cruise for Saturday, January 18
The club will meet at 2:00 pm at the Benton Health Dept. Parking Lot on the corner of Edison Ave. We will leave at 2:30 to cruise to the Whippet Restaurant in Prattsville to eat. The inclement weather date is Saturday, January 25.
Meeting Adjourned by/time: Jim Shipps, 2nd Thomas Gage 8:12 pm
Vehicle of the Month
The club vehicle of the month for January 2025 is a 1972 Ford Gran Torino Sport owned by member Dennis Bradley.


Member Birthdays
John Bennett
Thomas Gage
Charley Lindsey
Troy Shore
Upcoming Events
Bill Newsam Whippet Cruise
Saturday, January 18th
Whippet Inclement Weather Date
Saturday, January 25th
February Monthly Meeting
Thursday, February 6th

Club Classifieds

For Sale
If you would like to order a zip up hoodie, they will be $25 for sizes S-XL. XXL and larger will be an additional $8 ($33). Contact: President Roger Weng
(501) 804-6920
*this is a separate order from club t-shirts
If you would like to post something in our club classified section (buying or selling), please email us. Email: dixiecarclub@gmail.com
Club membership dues are now due for 2025. Yearly dues are $20 and includes your spouse and children under the age of 18. You can pay in person at any club event or pay via CashApp. If you pay with CashApp, please write in “club dues” in the note section. We look forward to seeing you in 2025!
CashApp: $DixieCarClub1975


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