Dixie Car Club

Benton, Arkansas car club

January 2020 – Newsletter

Dixie Car Club Newsletter – January 2020
Next Meeting:   Thursday, February 6, 2020               

Time:   6:00 p.m. Dinner / 7:00 p.m. Meeting              

Place:   Wood Grill Buffet, Benton

President Shane Shelton opened the meeting welcoming 18 members.  
Office nominations were opened.  Bill Newsam made a motion to keep all the present officers in the same position for this new year.   Motion passed.   The officers are:  President:  Shane SheltonV. President:  Cheryl OvertonTreasurer:  Todd OvertonSecretary:  Lisa Ramsey
Bill Newsam made a new challenge to add some sort of activity to the monthly outings.  This is in addition to the usual trip to a popular eating establishment.   He also encouraged everyone to drive their antique vehicles whenever possible.  Half the year’s monthly outing hosts have been filled.  We still need volunteers for the remaining months.  This is what we have so far:

Juanary:  Bill Newsam

February:  McKinney’s

March:  Tina Collins

April:  Shipp’s

May:  Shelton’s June:  Wood’s
We still need hosts for July through November.  
The January outing will be hosted by Bill Newsam.  On Saturday, January 25, we will meet at the Benton Health Dept. on Edison Ave.  at 1:30 p.m.   By 2 p.m. we will leave to head for Whippet in Prattsville.  
Cheryl Overton made a motion that the Christmas Party this year be held on Saturday this year at the Gene Moss Bldg. in Benton.  Motion passed.    Arrangements will be made to have the bldg. reserved. 
Since Bill has managed to have all our magnetic signs blow off his car, he made a motion that the club purchase two more magnetic signs.  These are for club exposure when out on Club events.   Motion passed.  Bill promises to remove the signs before driving.  
Bill also suggested the Club have business cards made with information about the club.  This will also include the Club’s website and Facebook address.  The idea is to pass these out at shows or any time you spot an antique car.  We want to invite people to come to our meetings in an effort to build our membership.   We will spend approximately $25 to have 100 cards made.  Motion passed.  
The club’s current advertising banners for the car show are 10 yrs old and wearing out.   There was much discussion about reducing the size of new banners so less effort is needed to display them around town.   We just want to be sure to include all major sponsors on these new banners.   Bill will be doing more research on this and will bring more information to the next meeting.
Approximately 750 families were helped by CJOHN this past Christmas. 
Just a reminder, annual dues are due.  You may mail your dues to Todd Overton at 1214 Brownwood St., Malvern, AR 72104.   
Food Bank:  $14.00


Shane Shelton, President  

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