Dixie Car Club

Benton, Arkansas car club

June 2017 – Newsletter

Dixie Car Club Newsletter

June 2017

Next Meeting:   Thursday, July 6, 2017

Place:  Western Sizzlin’, Benton

Time:   6:00 p.m. Dinner/7:00 p.m. Meeting

Meeting Highlights

Shane Shelton opened the meeting welcoming 26 members.  We also welcomed two ne members:   Roger and Linda Gaither have a 2004 Mustang and Richard Gilbreath have a 1947 Chrysler.

Phillip Birch reported on the May fish fry outing at their home.  He estimated approx. 20-25 either came to eat or had a pick up tray to go.  The fish, fries and hush puppies were delicious!  Thanks to our assistant cooks David Huett, Robert Vest, and Bill McMahan.  Also, thanks to all those who brought the delicious (and sinful) side dishes and desserts.

Cheryl Overton was contacted by the Miss Arkansas parade chairperson.  They are in need of approximately 10 convertibles to carry pageant contestants in a parade.   This opportunity is June 17 from 11:30 a.m. until the parade ends at around 1:00 p.m.  Contact Cheryl if interested.

The June outing will be hosted by Ron and Brenda Wood also on June 17.  We will caravan to Larry’s Pizza in Bryant.  Meet at Chicken Express, Benton, at 1:30 p.m.

Wayne Davis spoke to the group about his concerns that the club is getting minimal recognition.  He asked about the club going to the Cruise In at Chenal 3rd Annual Car Show on June 11.  He suggested that we all park together.   He also proposed that club members get matching t-shirts and caps and magnetic signs to make the club more visible.  After some discussion, Wanda Price volunteered to obtain samples to bring to the next meeting.

Since club members are considering getting new shirts and caps, Earl Cloud spoke about his concerns that we may need to change the club logo.  He mentioned how the Confederate Fla may be offensive to some people and may also be hindering future sponsorships and participation.   After a lengthy discussion, motion was made and passed to search for a new symbol for the group.  This will be discussed further at the next meeting in July.

Due to our recent rainy weather, the following car shows have been rescheduled:

Spring Creek Church on I-30, Benton, has been rescheduled for Sept. 23.  The Landmark Baptist Church Car Show in Sheridan has been rescheduled for Sept. 30.

Cheryl reminded everyone to try to obtain sponsorships for our October Car Show and to please sign up to bring items for the Concession Stand.

Food Bank:  $40


Shane Shelton, President

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